Friday, March 1, 2013

"The Successful Artist's Career Guide"

I am a huge fan of the public library system and believe that any person interested in lifelong learning should be a card carrying member. Besides the books, the librarians are very enthusiastic, knowlegable and great sleuths. If you think your local library is small and won't have all of the books you require, know that they probably belong to a network that allows library card holders to borrow books from libraries throughout the state. They will be delivered to your local library. Outstanding!

Along with reading novels that entertain and take you on journeys, it is good to read inspirational books that guide you through life's journey. One of my newest finds is "The Successful Artist's Career Guide: Finding Your Way in the Business of Art", by Margaret Peot. Although this book is for visual artists, it is quite encouraging and will open your mind to being a working artist while keeping a roof over your head and food on the table --- and much more.

Our economy and work life has changed, and we will all need to change with it. There are many negative forces that may discourage us from following our dreams. By putting good, positive and constructive thoughts into our minds, we have a much greater chance at living these dreams. Start by utilizing the resources at your library to learn more about your passions and interests.

If you have read this book, or have recommendations for artists that have chosen to combine their passion and livelihood, please share your experiences.

Annette DeMaggio
Songs of Joy

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