Friday, March 29, 2013

"The Artist's Way", 4th Week Reflections

Many years ago, I became aware of this book. It was available through the library, and I am now into my fourth week of a twelve week study.

"The Artist's Way", but Julia Cameron is a self-exploration to identify the people, issues or fears that block us from being more creative. The chapters are very short with some detailed assignments for each week. One ongoing assignment is the daily "stream of consciousness" writing. One may call them journals, and although I am not sure of their full impact yet, they are a good way to vent your thoughts first thing in the morning.

Some other weekly activities include, artist's walks, artist's dates and identifying feelings and changes that are occurring. Like other 12 step programs, they are effective because a big part of success is admitting that there is a problem. Once one admits that, we can work through the barriers that are hindering us from embracing and moving onto being our best artist.

This book is often used in a group study. Again, like other 12 step programs, some people will stay with it and gain more by sharing with a group. The group may keep you with the program.

Either way, I think this is a good way to spend 12 weeks. I'll post again during week 8 and 12. Some amazing things have happened already. Stay tuned!

Annette DeMaggio

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