Friday, March 8, 2013

Detroit Medical Orchestra --- The Healing Power of Music

The Detroit Medical Orchestra --- read that again --- the Detroit Medical Orchestra will be playing a FREE concert on:

Sunday, March 10th
3:00 pm
Wayne State University
Community Arts Auditorium
450 Reuther Mall

Admission: FREE

This is an orchestra of amateur musicians made up of health professions who get together to explore the connection between  music and healing and support area medical charities.

It isn't surprising that this group of highly educated and disciplined individuals have had extensive musical training. Studies continue to point to music education as an advantage to children and adults in reading, mathematics and the ability to solve complex problems.

As a music teacher, I know that private lessons are not limited to learning a particular instrument. It is about so much more. Learning to persevere, discipline and working through adversity are all part of the journey. Once a person experiences learning to play an instrument, the student will utilize those skills in other areas of their lives.

Annette DeMaggio

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